
Asst. Ana Sopina, M.Arch is a graduate architect, a PhD candidate, and an assistant at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Architecture, Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning, and Landscape Architecture.
She graduated from the Faculty of Architecture, the University of Zagreb in 2011. During and after her studies, she participated in the teaching of all undergraduate and graduate workshop courses at the Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning, and Landscape Architecture - as a demonstrator from 2007 to 2011 and as an honorary assistant from 2011 to 2016. After completing her study, she worked for 6 years in architecture and urban planning offices. In her professional work, she participated in architecture, protected cultural heritage, landscape architecture, spatial and urban planning projects and studies.
Since 2017 she is employed as an assistant at the Faculty of Architecture, the University of Zagreb where she participates in teaching undergraduate workshop courses at the Department of Urban Planning, Spatial Planning, and Landscape Architecture. She also holds lectures at the Postgraduate Specialist Study: Architecture and Urbanism - Spatial Planning Cycle: Strategic Planning and Sustainable Development (from the academic year 2018/2019). From the academic year 2018/2019 she is a PhD student of the Postgraduate doctoral scientific study: Architecture and Urbanism, with the doctoral dissertation topic Spatial Planning Criteria for Relation Enhancement between Urban and Natural Landscape of the East Adriatic Coast, supervised by full professor Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, PhD.
She participated in two national (Urban and Landscape Heritage of Croatia as a part of the European Culture and HERU - Heritage Urbanism, both led by the prof. Mladen Obad Šćitaroci, PhD) and two international scientific research projects (SMART-U-GREEN, PRE-PLAN). Currently she is a member of an INTERREG project BOOST5 and a university research project Urbanscape Emanation (led by the prof. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci, PhD). She is active in scientific research with a special interest in the relation of the urban and natural landscape, urban development, public landscape places, and the reading of landscape - focusing on the Mediterranean coastal and mountain areas as well as the urbanscape of Zagreb as the capital of Croatia. She publishes scientific articles, chapters in scientific books, papers in scientific and professional conferences with international review, and she participated in international and national conferences and colloquia (Barcelona, Istanbul, Zagreb, Pescara, Šibenik, Rome, Sarajevo, Livorno).
She is connecting her experience of the photography and hiking with scientific research, professional work, and teachings in the fields of architecture, landscape architecture, urban and spatial planning.

Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, University of Zagreb, Studies of Urban Forestry, Nature Conservation and Environmental Protection - Undergraduate, course Heritage of Landscape Architecture, leader: assoc. prof. Marko Rukavina, PhD, associate: asst. Ana Sopina

Faculty of Science, Department of Biology, Graduate Study, course Urban Ecology, leaders: assoc. prof. Mirela Sertić Perić, full prof. Bojana Bojanić Obad Šćitaroci PhD; associates: assoc. prof. Ivana Herceg Bulić PhD, Tamara Zaninović PhD, asst. Vesna Gulin Beljak, asst. Ana Sopina
‘What does the word Architecture intend to mean? At first, limiting it to the art of building could seem passive and, in an even more restricted way, concern just the house construction. But Architecture is almost implicitly everything which is structure and representation, from the rocks, the skeleton, from the structure of the atom up to the appearance of the spheres that are part of the planetary system. The man made efforts, using the elements that nature gave him, in order to modify and reorganize this same nature, created architectures that, by improving themselves, spread through the world, giving origin to new architectures, from the rock to the interplanetary satellite, from the cave to the sky-scraper, from the pendulous to the cathedral.“ Lina Bo Bardi, Contribuição Propedêutica ao Ensino da Teoria da Arquitetura, 1957.’

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