Shin Yokoo: 'The Tectonic Feature of Architecture' - lecture on April 16th 2019

Shin Yokoo: 'The Tectonic Feature of Architecture' – lecture on April 16th 2019

12. April 2019.

Japanese architect Shin Yokoo will be giving a lecture 'Thje Tectonic Feature of Architecture' on April 16th 2019


Tectonic feature is a structural or constructive approach to architecture including aesthetics thought. This is that Kenneth Frampton wrote the book "Studies in Tectonic Culture (1995)" which referred through to the thought of four elements of architecture classified by Gottfried Semper. Nowadays, there is a strong relationship between architectural design and technology for structural or constructive design. It all started from the mass production of car manufacturers from 1920, especially in France.

The discussion will be referring to 1930’s architectural works which were designed by French constructor, Jean Prouvé with other architects and projects of OUVI. That is also to think of architecture from two perspectives.
