Predavanje arhitektice Sally Stewart

Predavanje arhitektice Sally Stewart

U sklopu nastave na Doktorskom studiju Arhitektura i urbanizam, u petak 24.1. britanska arhitektica Sally Stewart održat će javno predavanje "Never forever: buildings change and so do we". Pridružite nam se od 16h u prostorijama UHA-e / DAZ-a na Trgu bana Jelačića!

22. siječnja 2025.

Never forever: Buildings change and so do we / Learning from Practice, Learning for practice, lessons from C.R. Mackintosh

We think of buildings as static, permanent things. However, recent experience and circumstances both in Glasgow and Zagreb have taught us that nothing lasts forever and that thinking about and rethinking about our work will become the norm.This lecture outlines a process of rethinking two buildings, and through this how we can become connected directly to the questions of what it is to practice as a designer, how we evolve as designers and how we sustain our creativity.

Sally Stewart is an architectural educator and researcher. Having qualified as an architect in 1987 she practiced professionally before becoming a full time academic. She is the Head of the Mackintosh School of Architecture, at the Glasgow School of Art, designated a small specialist institution focused on creative education at Undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral levels.
