Who is Mr. Viktor Kovačić K.H.A.?

Who is Mr. Viktor Kovačić K.H.A.?

Urednica: Ariana ŠtulhoferAutor: Zlatko Jurić
Publisher: Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Arhitektonski fakultetMjesto izdanja: ZagrebGodina izdanja: 2019ISBN: 978-953-8042-55-3
The monograph Who is Mr. Viktor Kovačić K.H.A.? (Croatian) is the natural sequel of the monograph Architect Viktor Kovačić: Life and Work (Croatian & English) issued in 2003. Jurić tackles the critical reception of the architect’s work in the period 1896-1945 juxtaposed with architect’s writings, including the seminal article Modern Architecture issued in 1900. He further analyses the dichotomy between the disregarding attitudes predominantly given by Iso Kršnjavi following by his entourage and generally accolade attitudes from the first modern architectural critics as Vladimir Lunaček, Kosta Strajnić or Ljubomir Micić, to finally conclude that Viktor Kovačić was a truly Modernist, torn between expectations and misunderstandings of the Croatian society of its time. The monograph contains inventoried texts written by the architect himself, those in German translated to Croatian, further comprises an anthology of critical texts about the architect from the period 1896-1943, those in German or French translated also to Croatian. The monograph serves as a valuable compendium of material published long time ago in a different number of sources, today not so easily available elsewhere.(D.K.)